Where in Nature do you find the notion of mortal sin ?
Repentance alone did not cancel out such mortal sin .
mortal sin can only be absolved through the sacred act of confession ,
Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter * which is committed with full knowledge * and deliberate consent .
Not for any mortal sin , but the wickedness of my abhorrent face !
But I was told that taking on overdrafts and even mortgages was akin to committing a mortal sin .
Maybe I can understand all that , but what a mortal sin it is to cheer for all the innocent souls we lost on that fateful day .
Once she would have thought this omission a mortal sin but , somehow , staying away from church did not seem so sinful now as it formerly had .
it 's not considered a mortal sin if you like someone in your own gender or if you aren 't comfortable being male / female / etc. Proof of this is the LGBT Pride Day held in every city .
Never once in our relationship , I was proud to think , had I ever even been tempted to commit a single mortal friendship sin : being competitive , gossiping , or backstabbing .